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Мобильная Java
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- WAP, WML и пр.

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Мобильная Java: WAP, WML и прочееФункции библиотеки WMLBrowser

Функции библиотеки WMLBrowser

WMLBrowser Library Functions
Key functions within the WMLBrowser library include:
WMLBrowser variable functions
getVar Syntax: WMLBrowser.getVar ( varname ); Return the variable varname from the current WML user agent context. varname may be literal or a variable name. Returns invalid if varname does not contain a properly formatted variable name. Returns an empty string if the variable does not exist. setVar Syntax: WMLBrowser.setVar ( varname, varvalue ); Assign varvalue to the variable named varname in the current WML user agent context. varname may be literal or a variable name. Returns invalid if varname does not contain a properly formatted variable name. Returns true if operation successful; otherwise returns false.
WMLBrowser task functions
go Syntax: WMLBrowser.go ( URLString ); When control is passed back to the WML user agent, load the deck specified and continue normal execution. Returns invalid if URLString does not contain a proper URL. Note go and prev override each other. If both are executed in a WMLScript function, only the last executed has effect. prev Syntax: WMLBrowser.prev (); When control is passed back to the WML user agent, execute a prev task. Note go and prev override each other. If both are executed in a WMLScript function, only the last executed has effect. refresh Syntax: WMLBrowser.refresh (); Signal the WML user agent to update its context and refresh the display. Has the same effect as the WML refresh task. Returns empty string. newContext Syntax: WMLBrowser.newContext (); Clear the current WML user agent context. Has the same effect as a WML card newcontext attribute. Returns empty string. Caution: This function blows away the current WML user agent context. Make sure you know what you're doing before you do this. Refresh Syntax: WMLBrowser.refresh (); Instruct the WML user agent to update its context and refresh the display.
WMLBrowser query function
getCurrentCard Syntax: WMLBrowser.getCurrentCard (); Return a string containing the shortest possible URL of the card currently being processed by the WML user agent. The URL will be relative to the base of the current compilation unit. If the current card has different base URL than the current compilation unit, it returns an absolute URL.

Н. Смирнов
"Java 2 Enterprise. Основы практической разработки распределенных корпоративных приложений"

Е. Е. Аккуратов
"Знакомьтесь: Java. Самоучитель"

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